I started going to weekly yoga classes in Guernsey in 1996 and soon discovered that yoga was much more than a wonderful way to look after the body. Through my personal practice and study, and guided by my teacher, I also discovered that yoga can be thought of as a School of Meditation that can use body postures, control of the breath and seated meditation to prepare oneself for discovering our true potential as human beings and becoming mindful in the present moment
Through regular yoga practice done over a long time, we gradually allow our better and happier natures to emerge. TKV Desikachar suggested that the test for our progress in yoga can best be seen in the positive changes it brings to our relationships with others, ourselves and with nature. This is my on-going personal project, which involves me studying, practising and teaching Yoga. Yoga can lead to an enlightened engagement with the world
In 2002, my teacher invited me to teach some of her yoga classes. In 2013, I graduated as a yoga teacher, after a three-year study programme (500+ hours). I practise, study and teach yoga in Guernsey following the tradition of TKV Desikachar and his father T Krishnamacharya and I am registered as an accredited teacher with The Society of Yoga Practitioners & the British Wheel of Yoga.